The following are descriptions of current Boards, Commissions and Committees that are comprised of volunteer residents. Becoming a member is a great way to get involved within your community and get acquainted with your neighbors. Please call the City Administrator at 314-416-0026 if interested in joining one of the following:
Board of Adjustment:
The Board of Adjustment consists of five members who are citizens of the community. They are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen for 5-year terms. This Board is responsible for considering variances to the Zoning Ordinance of the City. Variance requests include reducing yard setbacks, height restrictions, etc. (Section 405.670)
The Board of Adjustment meets on an as-needed basis.
Plan Commission:
The Plan Commission may consist of up to 15 members, 6 of whom must be residents of the City. The other three non-voting members of the Commission are the Plan Reviewer/Building Inspector, the Mayor and one Alderman. All members are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen for 4-year staggered terms. The Plan Commission exercises and performs all the powers and duties provided for in the zoning regulations. (Section 400.010)
The Plan Commission meets on an as-needed basis.
Historic Preservation Commission:
The (HPC) consists of five members and 2 alternates who are citizens of the community. They are appointed by the Mayor and approved by the Board of Aldermen for staggered 3-year terms. The HPC is responsible for identifying homes and or buildings that show distinctive historic, archeological and architectural characteristics to and of the City and promoting the preservation of these properties. (Section 420.010)
The Historic Preservation Commission meets on an as-needed basis.